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Commonhold Plans

Commonhold is when all units (residential or commercial) on a development are sold freehold and the common parts are transferred to a commonhold association. This association will then manage the common parts and be controlled by the buyers of the units. Commonhold plans clearly identify these common parts.

National Lease Plans specialise in all types of residential & commercial plan drawings. With a turnaround of between 3-5 working days, anywhere in England and Wales, you can be sure of an efficient and professional service.

Call Now 0203 551 8800 for a fixed price quotation or Contact Us via this website.

How We Work

  • Once instructed, we will visit the property to undertake a detailed survey
  • We then produce your lease plan using our digital drawing systems to ensure accuracy, efficient drawing retrieval and fast replication
  • Your Lease Plans are emailed to you as a pdf file as soon as they are ready
  • Printed copies then follow by post ready for insertion into the appropriate lease document - completing the process

"Many thanks for your excellent, prompt service!"

Julie Tennant
Mountview Estates PLC